Other services

Due to the experience in the field, ECO GEODRUM offers other types of services, customers being able to choose the option they need. Thus, we also perform the sorting process for stone and soil, well-permitting activities, and geophysical investigations.

Sorting process for stone and soil

We have high-performance sorting stations, excavators, dump trucks, and other equipment used in sorting works of broken stone and soil.

  • it is suitable for various applications (stone quarries, recycling, demolition, ballast), and offers the possibility of adapting production according to current requirements, at optimal costs;
  • the integrated conveyor belts with hydraulic folding have the highest unloading height in this class, and this allows the realization of stocks, thus reducing the intervals of handling crushed materials with mobile support equipment;
  • sieve feeder and variable speed conveyor belts: increase productivity by correlating real-time supply with material evacuation.

Well permitting activity

Represents the obtaining of permits and authorizations for the activities of the location of oil exploration and exploitation wells.

  • We maintain relations with the competent authorities;
  • We develop documentation for obtaining permits and authorizations;
  • Maintaining contact with town halls/county councils/agencies;
  • Submission of elaborated documentation (written parts and drawn parts);
  • Representing the beneficiaries in meetings, as well as supporting the documentation in the technical approval commissions.

Geophysical investigations

Geophysical investigations are a complementary method of prospecting, ensuring the obtaining of additional information about the physical, chemical, and electrical properties associated with the land. They are widely used, ensuring, together with direct prospecting works and the identification of local geological features, a complete picture of the foundation ground or lithological strata.

  • Rapid determination of the depth and thickness of geological strata;
  • Detection of lithological changes in the horizontal and vertical plane and location of local geological conditions;
  • Determinations on the degree of soil or groundwater pollution;
  • Exploitation of bodies or layers within mineral resources research projects;
  • Identifying the differences in resistivity of the layers encountered in the site.