
Along with specialization, proficiency in the field, and state-of-the-art equipment, ECO GEODRUM offers a wide range of services.

The services provided by ECO GEODRUM include quality, utility, and promptness. Over the years, we have improved the way services are delivered, so today we offer efficient and long-lasting services.


ECO GEODRUM designs road, bridge, and artwork projects according to the theme of the beneficiary. All design works will comply with all applicable rules and STAS.

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Geotechnical studies

Our team has supported a wide range of studies and projects in the field of geotechnics. In order to develop quality documents, ECO GEODRUM pays special attention to the investigation of the foundation ground: from the quality of the analyses and tests performed to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the soil to the determination of the groundwater level and its seismic behavior.

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Environmental studies

ECO GEODRUM provides biodiversity monitoring services, environmental documentation in accordance with specific national and European environmental protection requirements.

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Other services

Due to the experience in the field, ECO GEODRUM offers other types of services, customers being able to choose the option they need. Thus, we also perform the sorting process for stone and soil, well permitting activities, and geophysical investigations.

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